Associate Professor, Department of Methodology
London School of Economics
About Aliya
I am a sociologist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics.
The financialisation of the economy means that events like layoffs and redundancies are built into organisational practices. These are especially acute in some sectors with fast-evolving business models. I am interested in understanding how these broader level trends are experienced at the household and individual level - emotionally and financially. I use qualitative methods to examine these areas, focusing on job loss, redundancies, and gig work. My research cuts across the study of work and organisations, family, gender, economic sociology, and emotions.
My first book, on the experiences of unemployed American professionals, was published in 2020 by the University of California Press. I have published recent research in peer-reviewed journals such as American Sociological Review, Gender & Society, Journal of Marriage and Family, Sociological Methods and Research, and Work, Employment and Society. My research has received recognition from the ASA Economic Sociology section, Family section, and from the Work-Family Researcher's Network.
I am keen to share my research broadly, and my research has been covered in outlets such as the Financial Times, the New York Times, and Huffington Post. I have also written for mainstream publications like The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review and Quartz.